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Created on June 2023 and corrected/improved on February 2024.
I minded this idea long time ago but the time is never enough...
A very favourite song with cadres from a very favourite movie!
INFERNAL GREETINGS to all dark kindred souls…

Used movies:
The Omen III - The Final Conflict 1981 (1080p)
The Omen 666 (Remake of Part 1) 2006 (1080p)
The Omen II - Damien 1978 (1080p)

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Warning! If you share this video in FB, YT or another CONTROLLED media...don't blame me next that your account is deleted or blocked etc. Be smart!
My primary idea about this video was just to release a lot of negative energy but during the editing,
I minded more and more ideas for improvements... Additionally, I decided to share all the story
(what I remember) about the gipsy on the last video's photo from Czech Republic. 
So, enjoy this bonus as well;)

PS. As I mentioned in the comment (that I'll create a separate video about the shootings in NZ), so finally DONE:

(Recreated Unofficial Unholy Fan Video)
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The primary version of this fan video is one of my first creative inventions made with AVS Video Editor in combination with Movie Maker. Then I was still a beginner about video editing (at 2011). I mixed too many ideas which did the final result overloaded! Therefore I decided to recreate it completely using cadres mainly from THE OMEN (Part IV) which I’ve found in very better quality editing with DaVinci Resolve. Thankful of this programme, I could use FLAC format for the audio (all my previous remakes are actually improvements of the primary video + some additions using mp3 format for the audio). Before Covid I used YouTube to upload similar videos and this had most views (over 3300) for my surprise and therefore I decided to include like a bonus - the primary old version changing only the proportions of the screen but not improving anything else…

Used materials:
THE OMEN IV - The Awakening (1991)
King Cobra vs Mongoose
SNAKEBITE – Sea Serpents
LIMBONIC ART - In Abhorrence Dementia (1997)



Първоначално планувах в тази част да разоблича всички лъжи и супер изкривени полу-истини от статията във вестника, но те се оказаха доста повече отколкото предполагах... А както вече споменах в ЧАСТ 1, целта ми е да правя по-кратки видеа, защото иначе не намирам време и по същата причина предостатъчно дълго отлагах... Затова реших да продължа в следващата част със статията от в. 24 ЛЪЖИ (ЧАСА официално;)) След това ще се захвана с 1 предаване, което вече не съществува, а именно:
Относно видеата за регресията, за които споменах във видеото те вече са готови. Ето линк за БГ версия:
Primary, I thought in this part completely to expose all lies in this newspaper.
But it seems they are very more and concentrated then I thought.
Therefore, I’ll continue in the next part where I’ll finish completely with the rest articles for me in “24 hours” (BG newspaper).
I suppose will find more than “24 lies”;) So, I’ll continue in the next part…
About the regression videos for which I mentioned in the video, they are ready. Here is the link for the EN version:

В тази част обяснявам накратко как и защо започнах да „осиновявам“ животни, които използвах за храна на змиите си през периода 2005-2008г. в София. В следващите части ще направя съпоставка на всяка 1 от лъжите и супер изкривени, преувеличени и изопачени истини с РЕАЛНИТЕ ФАКТИ. Ще се опитам да отговоря на всички РАЗУМНИ въпроси, но препоръчвам да не ме затрупвате с такива преди да приключа напълно с разобличението на медиите (тъй като някои от отговорите ще бъдат предварително изяснени в този процес)

Използвано аудио:


I want to make clear an old Bulgarian media scandal with me happened at the end of 2008. I decided to explain publicly this case to show something which is not new for the most people especially in nowadays... The fact that the official media love to lie and twist or hide this part of the truth which is not very convenient for the same people who own the same media. Primary I planned to create a long movie showing all the truth and comparing with the official articles and a TV show at the end of 2008. Alas, the facts show me that I won’t be able to find enough time for that. So, I decided to start creating shorter videos part by part until I feel that I don’t have what to say any-more…

It’s my longest video till now! I share in detail my last experience in hospital at 2007 using both doctors (day & night shifts) to compare 2 completely different mentalities and intellects working on the same place – TOXICOLOGY (Pirogov Hospital – Bulgaria). Finally I give 7 advices how to recognise easier and faster if your doctor is a good specialist or a CHEMICAL WHORE!;)

Many thanks to Peter Tägtgren, Till Lindemann & their bands for these great hits which give me even more inspiration to make such videos not only informative but also brutal at moments…
Used links:
Lindemann - Fat (Live Video - 2020)

For better quality, use this link:

PS. I used some video-editing effects for first time so this video was also (partially) an exercise with DaVinci Resolve...

За по-добро качество (при > екрани), използвайте този линк:

Английска версия:

Първоначално записано на 18.11.2022 и след това подобрено и разделено на 2 отделни видеа с още повече съдържание и факти през Юли 2023.
В това видео споделям личния си опит с крайно различни по манталитет лекари, опитвайки се да разгранича по-ясно типичните черти на един добър кадърен специалист с тези на такива, които буквално злоупотребяват финансово с професията си без особено много да ги е грижа за здравето и състоянието на пациентите си... Определено това видео няма да достави удоволствие на хора с много здравословни проблеми, които сляпо се доверяват на всеки доктор (само заради титлата/дипломата).

Ето и обещаните линкове във видеото:

За музикален фон избрах точно тази песен на КОНТРОЛ, защото имайки предвид какво изпитвам към "докторката" от дневната смяна...тази част от текста впасва перфектно като сладко зайче на гладен питон! Ето и линк за оригиналния клип на КОНТРОЛ:

Последен съвет от мен:

In this video I’m sharing my view points about vegans & vegetarians. Why I can accept friendly a typical vegetarian getting the same respect about our different food tastes but it isn’t the same with the vegans!?
I want to greet all meat eaters, vegetarians, carnivorous plants keepers and horror movies lovers from all over the world...enjoy my ANTI-vegan garden!

Used sources:

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For better resolution use this link:
I’m trying to attract more new friends from all over the world who love the nature as I do. The facts show me that after I stabilised my immune system since 1999 (my first venomous snake bite), I love even more to be among the nature than in pubs where many drunker and smoker types of people regularly destroying their health wasting time usually to become more and more bored and sick!
I want to find other people who love to be long time in the nature and even want to live there…
Enjoy the relaxing video!
Here are both links for the promised videos about my natural health since 1999:



MUSIC background:

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Unofficial unholy fan music video, created on January and improved on May 2023.

Used sources:
AUDIO: Cadaveria 2004 Far Away from Conformity

I’m sharing my experience with the vipers’ venom on my body, all the healthy benefits and some advices and details to whom is interested how that works… As I said in the video, about the tobacco I’ll share links here:

PS. For better quality use this link:

Първата половина на това видео е част от най-дългото ми видео досега, което реших да разбия на 2 отделни видеа като отделно добавя повече детайли с цел да бъда по добре разбран поне от тези зрители, които имат вече някакъв опит с подобни създания или поне са наясно, че официалната и ПЪЛНАТА истина са 2 отделни неща;)
Отделно по технически причини избягвам да правя по дълги видеа от 30 мин.

Ето го и линка, за който споменах във видеото относно отказването ми от тютюнопушенето:

За по-добра резолюция ето линк:

Hearty deep water Lovecraft greetings to all horror movies lovers and christmas-songs haters in all over the world (especially both in combination;)!
Created at 8.12.2022, corrected at 22.04.2023.(fixed mistake)

Video: DAGON (2001)
Audio: A Very Scary Solstice (H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society)

Special THANKS to ZHORO PYRKO! (who shared me this dark misanthropic blasphemous masterpiece few years ago...)

For bigger screens, use this link to enjoy better quality:

WARNING! If you never had for pets any giant snakes who are physically stronger than you… DON’T COPY WHAT I’M DOING IN THIS VIDEO!
Also mean if the python is hissing very strong and makes you a false attack… It’s a WARNING AS WELL! (that don’t trust you yet!)
This lady is the largest snake in all my experience till now and the first who I’ve bought enough strong to suffocate me (then she was 3,20m at 2019!)

For better quality, use this link:

In this video I'm sharing my experience with many advices and demonstrations about growing and raising rabbits...

WARNING LIVE FEEDING! For better resolution, use this link:
The most venomous species in all my practice till now and one of the smartest reptiles who I had as pets! This video was maybe the most difficult pets clip like video edition on many reasons. I tried to concentrate and demonstrate together as much as possible information but I could not share everything because it’s too much and take a lot of time to match everything perfectly… I need to create 2ndpart in the future when I have more time to do it. All rattlers photos & video materials are taken at 2007-2008 therefore I avoided to show them in full-screen (because it’d make their resolution even lower = worse quality).
I don’t enjoy the death of their victims but I DO ENJOY every death of all idiots who torment them publicly for money or whatever reason they find to do it (for example the “Church of the Lord Jesus” in Jolo, West Virginia)!
Btw I have only 3 videos with vipers in very bad quality and therefore I used these links about the comparison in my video:
(Used materials)

За по-добро качество, използвайте този линк:
Това видео не е просто превод на български... Голяма част от цитатите и снимките са различни + специалното участие на моите „мили ближни“ (Романтичния Тарикат + Моногамната Икономическа Проститутка + Моралната Светица = Тримата Глупаци;) или като формула (РТ+МИП+МС=ТГ). За да бъда дори по-щедър спрямо тях ще добавя тука още един много любим цитат на същия любим автор:
„Хвала на тоя дух, който мрази охтичавите кучета на тълпата и всяко недъгаво мрачно котило, на тоя дух, на всички свободни духове, смеещата се буря, която пръска прах в очите на всички черногледци и гнойници!“

English version:

For better resolution, use this link:
It’s a very special video to my collection because he’s still my most favourite author! Surely I’ll create other videos when I have time… It was also one of the most difficult inventions about video editing (matching the music with so changing rhythm testing which effects would be best for everything + some technical issues which I fixed at the beginning using 3 programs finally).

I want to greet with this video, all His fans from all over the world (who have read at least one of his books)! Enjoy...

Used sources:

For better quality use this link:

Created at 2017, Improved on 8.03.2023
Used sources:
Audio: LIMBONIC ART -2010- Phantasmagoria
HELLRAISER III -1992- Hell on Earth

If you know other alternative free video platforms where can be uploaded HD videos (in good resolution) at least 20-30min.long...PLEASE SHARE ME!?
(I have accounts in Patreon, BitChute, Rumble & MeWe)

PS. For better resolution:

For better quality use this link:

Unofficial (fan) video.
Created at 2011 and improved on 26.02.2023 (as video as audio).

The used movies are included in the end (outro).
RAGNAROK - 1997 - Arising Realm

For better resolution & audio, use this link:

Created at 2014, last improved on 26.02.2023.
Used Sources:

EMPEROR -2014- In The Nightside Eclipse (20th Anniversary Edition)

VIKINGS – Season 1
Emperor - Into The Infinity Of Thoughts Live (Sweden Rock Festival 2014)

Записано на 31.01.2023 и качено отново на 21.02.2023 (с подобрен изчистен звук). В това видео споделям основните причини, заради които се запалих по хищните растения и с кои точно видове имам опит. Накрая давам и 6 полезни съвета за начинаещи и любопитни зрители.
Имам подобно видео на английски, което е правено няколко месеца преди това и не е просто превод. Използваните материали не са напълно еднакви (някои липсват в английската версия, защото мислех че съм ги изгубил, но след време ги открих).
Ще се радвам ако ви е харесало и ме подкрепите (кой, както може)!

Ако имате небългарски приятели, които знаят английски...ето линкове и за тях:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Направено през Дек.2022 и след това звука е подобрен през Февруари 2023.
В това видео споделям опита и впечатленията си от МРЕЖЕСТИЯ ПИТОН като вид и особености в сравнение с други видове питони (Тигров и Кралски) в моята практика.

Ако имате небългарски приятели, които знаят английски...ето линк и за тях:


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

48 videos

Category Science & Technology

If you need to watch my videos in better quality (larger screens) use this link:

Nature, Creativity, Logic sciences (esp. Maths, Chemistry, Programming); Video Editing, Vikings & Ancient civilizations, Ufology, Secret Government Documents, Chess, Fr. Nietzsche, Fr. Voltaire, Predators, Giant & Venomous Reptiles, Dark Poetry, Mysteries, Music, Dark Humour, Misanthropy, Cannabinoids (esp. the favourite one: THC!); DMT

About music, I enjoy most BLACK/DEATH/FOLK/SYMPHONIC/OPERA/ATMOSPHERIC/GRIND/INDUSTRIAL/EXPERIMENTAL METAL (...and everything between), (NEO)CLASSIC MUSIC, DARK AMBIENT, Soundtracks, meditation relaxing music...

Any advice or/and support about making money online (DOING THINGS WHICH I LIKE or INTEREST!) is really VERY WELCOME!
My intention is to stop working via agencies, jobs which are very far away from my intentions, skills, areas which I like etc.
(Then my future videos will become better and better...since I need more time and better concentration!)